Thersage Video.mp4

Therasage LLC specializes in manufacturing and distributing Premier Far Infrared Heat Healing Devices with TheraFusion Technology including Portable Far Infrared Saunas , TheraSaunas , Instant Calmer Far Infrared Heat Healing Pads and Healing Pad MiniZ , Infrared Therapeutic Foot Rests FootRest , Massage Beds , Far Infrared Portable Healing Belts , TherAid Creams , TherAid Bandage Wraps , and Far Infrared Heaters. Far Infrared Heat has a number of proven benefits ranging from relieving chronic pain, improved circulation, reducing stress and fatigue, improved sleep, improved recovery time, Enhance Metabolism and Burn Calories, and Improve Cardiovascular Functioning. Notable Infrared benefits have been published or featured in the Journal of American Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Dr. Oz on Oprah Winfrey Show,, Life Extension Magazine, Chicago Tribune Media Planet, Hippocrates Health Institute,, and
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