Julie Valentine DDS … Beverly Hills family and cosmetic dentist specializing in expert adult care and the very best pediatric dentistry. Tour the office and hear what existing patients have to say. www.BeautifulSmilesBeverlyHill… (310-551-2955). Dr. Julie Valentine DDS, Family Dentist Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist. Dr. Julie has enjoyed providing Pain Free dental care in Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Westwood and West Los Angeles for 22 years since she graduated from UCLA then the UOP School of Dentistry in San Francisco. WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAY Now, not only is the discomfort gone, but for the first time in my entire life, I am able to smile without covering my mouth. — B Cooper, LA “Cosmetic dentistry has changed my entire self-image. I smile more, I feel more self confident and just got a new job.” — Tina Johnson, Santa Monica, CA View more of what our patients have to say at http DR VALENTINE A BEVERLY HILLS TRADITION OF CARING AND TRUSTED DENTAL EXCELLENCE ESTABLISHING TRUST THROUGH LISTENING AND EXPLAINING. PLEASE CALL — 310-551-2955 Your dental issues will not get any better on their own if you continue to wait. Make TODAY the day you do something about your dental health! We will work on it together, and together we will make it easier than you think. But we cannot help you if you do not call. Pick up the phone and call us at 310.551-2955, and we will be glad to talk with you and help you get the care and attention and understanding that you …