When must you see a doctor for your back pain?
Back pain is one of the most common complaints among men and women. It is estimated that approximately 60-75% of the adult population suffers from one or the other kind of back pain. At one time, it was believed that back pain only afflicted people over 40-45 years of age. These days, however, even children and young adults complain of acute back pain.
Since it is a common ailment, many people ignore their back pain and carry on with normal activities, in spite of the pain. A good percentage of sufferers visit doctors for their back pain only when they are completely incapacitated by the pain. Others prefer to pop painkilling medications from time to time. So, how do you know whether you need to see a doctor for your back pain?
If you have a persistent, low impact back pain, you may be better off taking care of it yourself. The trick is to know what activities are causing the pain and avoid doing such activities. For instance, many pregnant women develop back pain when they stand continuously. The solution is to avoid standing for long periods of time so you can avoid damage to your back.
In a good majority of people suffering from back pain, the roots of the problem lie in mechanical problems that are somewhat difficult to pinpoint. For instance, the muscles in the back may go into a spasm when you lift heavy objects, bend over or sit in an uncomfortable position. Long term abuse of the back in this way leads to weakening of the muscles or damage of the nerves in the back. Patients often reach a point where the pain begins to interfere with normal activities. A good percentage of people suffering from mechanical lower back pain problems get over their pain without any special therapy.
In some cases, the causes of back pain are more complicated. Back pain could be the result of infections, tumors or vascular diseases, among other things. The pain caused by such problems may be different:
Pain that radiates down the leg
Pain in the thigh
Constant pain
Pain in the chest, groin or rectal areas
Pain that shoots up at night
Bowel and bladder control problems
Back pain accompanied by fever and weight loss
Pain following injury
Problems in maintaining posture and balance while walking
In such cases, patients must visit a doctor for their back pain immediately.
It is a regular practice for most families to meet their family doctor for back pain relief. However, studies show that family doctors may be inclined to stick with traditional back pain therapies and may not easily adapt to modern therapy practices.
In case of chronic back pain, surgery may be the only route to back pain relief. Orthopedists, rheumatologists, neurologists or neurosurgeons may be called in to treat back pain depending on the kind of problem that is causing the pain.
The back doctors at Minimally Invasive Spine Institute (MISI) successfully performs endoscopic laser spine surgery.