Supplements For Arthritis, Inflammation And Joint Conditions – Natural Pain Relief

Supplements For Arthritis, Inflammation And Joint Conditions – Natural Pain Relief

Pain Relief Complex has the vital natural pain relief ingredients of Boswellia and Safflower extracts to promote joint and muscle healing, chiefly after exertion.

1. Boswellia, from the frankincense family, is one of the oldest and most acclaimed herbal extracts in ayurvedic medicine used in India and Asia. It has been found to offer natural pain relief through potent anti inflammatory, anti-arthritic and analgesic activity with nearly no side effects. Laboratory studies have shown that natural phytoacids from the Boswellia plant can neutralize triggers for inflammation and pain. Hormonal mechanisms might stimulate the growth of cartilage, boost blood flow to joints and promote the repair of blood vessels damaged by inflammation. The natural pain relief properties of Boswellia make it an ideal supplement for those experience chronic joint pain as well as for the “weekend warrior” type of person who is likely to experience overexertion of both muscles and joints.

2. Safflower has been utilized in Asia for its health advantages for many years but is just now being recognized in the western world. Safflower is high in Vitamin E that has anti inflammatory properties by its ability to scavenge free radicals and avoid tissue oxidation. This property makes it a healing supplement. Safflower oil is also high in oleic and Linoleic acids which are thought to provide joint lubrication and aid in the creation of healthy cartilage tissue and other cells like muscle and skin cells. Safflower extract is able to lower the production and increase the clearance of lactic acid. Lactic acid is a chief cause of post workout pain and lowering it’s formation and presence could easily provide natural pain relief.

Joint Health Complex is a supplement developed to support the cartilage and correct functioning of the joints with Glucosamine, Cat’s Claw and trace elements.

3. Glucosamine is well known for it’s ability to protect cartilage in the joints and increase formation of new cartilage. It has been well studied and is so effective at limiting joint damage and actually reversing cartilage loss which even the traditional medical system has accepted its use. Glucosamine HCl is the most concentrated form of the natural substance and contains no sodium, making it perfect for the elder patient who may normally need to limit sodium intake.

4. Cat’s Claw, also known as Una de Gato has been used in South America for centuries to treat and prevent a variety of health conditions including arthritis, inflammatory conditions, bowel disorders and in some cases, cancer and HIV. The addition of Cat’s Claw extract dramatically increases the natural pain relief properties of Glucosamine It is anti inflammatory in nature, having been shown to have a number of naturally occurring plant sterols that closely resemble anti inflammatory steroids. Clinical studies have shown that the swelling could be decreased by nearly 50 percent when you make use of this.

5. Trace Elements including Boron, Zinc, Copper and Manganese are all necessary for maintenance and production of cartilage and the synovial fluid which offers joint lubrication and cushioning. They are even vital building blocks to anti-inflammatory agents and enzymes required to maintain joint health.

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