Healing Touch Chiropractic, Sports Medicine and Spine Rehabilitation

Healing Touch Chiropractic (www.sportsdoctorny.com) of New York City is a premiere rehabilitation clinic providing the highest quality of patient care. Our services are on the vanguard of the profession and are based in science and research. Our facilities and staff provide intense one-on-one sessions so that our patients can achieve their goals. The doctors at Healing Touch are devoted in providing state of the art natural pain relief treatments, coupled with education about how to stay out of pain. We utilize a non-traditional approach that focuses on movement re-education and functional training. The use of multiple modalities allows a smooth progression away from pain through rehabilitation and onto lifelong fitness. Our experience is with world-class athletes and performers who need peak performance. We bring this experience and demand for perfection to you. We are located in Brooklyn: (718) 615-0800 and Manhattan: (646) 546-5550. Contact us to set up an appointment.

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