(Part I of 2) [????] Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back: Yoda, Luke Skywalker

Jedi training and first encounter with Master Yoda. Passed down through the generations the analogy of “Jedi training” can be found in contemporary society. Help you I can, yes. (Try not. Do or do not, there is no try. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will. Size matters not.) Shentaohealing & SSTT Founder-Director: Dr. Hata is a police veteran of LAPD and a United States military veteran who has served with 3 branches in the United States Armed Forces with 3 Honorable Discharges from 3 different branches of the US Armed Forces. www.sstt-institute.org Dr. Richard Hata reaches out to the film and entertainment industry. To assist other actors, actresses, sports celebrities, etc. who have very public lives while living in chronic pain forcing themselves to maintain a cheerful disposition and professional demeanor under the harshest conditions. These conditions are only made worse and more severe from being under constant public scrutiny by the press, paparazzis and overly zealous fans. There is hope for everyone, including public figures that are living under constant stress with severe chronic pain and anxiety. You do not have to sacrifice a successful professional career due to stressful professional conditions. This can be accomplished successfully without obesity, alcohol and/or drug dependency. A new scientific alternative healing modality that creates AMAZING RESULTS! Dr. Hata will work with individuals even if
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