Trigger Point Therapy
Article by Ben Crabtree, LMT, CNMT
Many of the people that come to Massage Therapists and Bodyworkers are seeking someone to help them with muscular pain and chronic tension from Myofascial Trigger Points. They’ve heard that Trigger Point Therapy is a great way to naturally relieve their pain and restore function.
Trigger Point Therapy is used when Myofascial Trigger Points are present in a person’s muscles. Myofascial Trigger Points, usually just called Trigger Points, are hyperirritable spots in a muscle associated with a palpable “knot” or “taut band” in the muscle tissue. Trigger Points are painful on compression and can refer pain and tenderness to other areas. Trigger Points are usually ischemic and often cause an entire muscle to be painful, too tight, weak, and more easily fatigued. Trigger Points can be caused by overworking or overstressing muscles, direct trauma to muscles, or even sustained chills. Trigger Points can be either the cause or a contributing factor of a wide variety of painful conditions.
Trigger Point Therapy directly targets the trigger points and the muscles in which they’re found. In Trigger Point Therapy the Massage Therapist carefully seeks out the trigger points in a muscle with their fingers and uses specific compression techniques, friction strokes, and stretches which make the trigger points release and seemingly melt away. The release of the trigger point usually results in a rapid decrease or complete elimination of muscular pain. Trigger Point Therapy is a versatile technique and is often employed to treat low back pain, TMJ pain, headaches and migraines, whiplash, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, hip pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. Trigger Point Therapy can be used by itself as a stand-alone treatment, or it can be used during a Swedish massage, Sports massage, or Medical massage and as part of Neuromuscular Therapy or Deep Tissue Massage procedures.
Trigger Point Therapy does have a reputation as being a painful therapy to receive. However, despite its reputation as a “no pain, no gain” type of technique Trigger Point Therapy can be quite comfortable to receive. Some clients may experience some mild discomfort during the treatment. This mild discomfort is often described as a “good pain” that rates low on a standard pain scale and is actually welcomed by most clients. Try Trigger Point Therapy. You have nothing to lose except your pain.
About the Author
Ben Crabtree is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Massage Instructor, and Certified Neuromuscular Therapist in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Crabtree’s practice is dedicated to relieving pain and improving athletic performance using Trigger Point Therapy and other advanced massage techniques. For more informatoin plese see