Preview of “Moxibustion for Common Symptoms with Banya Lim”

Moxibustion is a traditional Oriental Medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to restore proper energy flow through the body’s meridian channels and facilitate natural healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for thousands of years as a healing art. Moxibustion improves blood and energy flow in the body, facilitates relaxation and natural pain relief, helps fight infection, and assists the body’s metabolic functions. Most of all, it enhances the immune system. Given its effectiveness, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness, its no surprise that moxibustion is gaining popularity today. On “Moxibustion for Common Symptoms”, licensed acupuncturist Banya Lim offers fundamental and practical guidance to the basic application of moxibustion. The most compelling part of this DVD shows you how to locate moxibustion points on the body, which are the same as the acupressure/acupuncture points. With detailed illustrations and demonstrations, you can easily find each point. “Moxibustion for Common Symptoms” is an essential guide for self-reliant, holistic health management for yourself and your family.

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