~ Know NO Pain ~ CovertHypnosis4U ~ JustDaveUSA ~

Know NO Pain is a Hypnotic Video based on the Hypnotic Linguistic confusion patterns of Dr. Milton H. Erickson, MD It can be used as a Powerful hypnotic Trance to help those who are in Pain, even moderate to severe discomfort. Although this is NOT a Covert Hypnotic Induction nor is it based in the Black Ops hypnotic arena, it illustrates why Erickson was generally acknowledged to have been the world’s leading practitioner of medical hypnosis. It also helps to explain why so much of todays NLP and hypnotherapy has its roots wrapped and weaved around his proficient use of the language. This video is Produced & Voiced by JustDaveUSA; AKA: DrDave from CovertHypnosis4U@GMail.com – Las Vegas, NV. – USA Run Time is 9-Minutes 40-Seconds


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